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About Us





New Frontier Analytics is founded by individuals with decades of experience in large banks and Big 4 consulting firms in the areas of Analytics, Quantitative Model Development, Model Validation, Data Modeling, Data Governance. Our members provide expertise in Credit Modeling, Marketing Analytics, Wealth Management, Risk Management, Capital Planning as well as several other key areas of financial institutions. Our goal is to bring expertise enjoyed by large banks to smaller financial institutions at an affordable cost. We also offer similar or better quality services to large banks at cost effective way (our members used to be top performers at Big 4s).


New Frontier Analytics provides a best-in-class full suite of analytical and risk management services to regulated financial institutions. We are trusted partners to our clients in the areas of model development, risk management, analytics, and data governance.


Our unparalleled experience at large national and global banks in the areas of model development, risk management, and analytics empowers mid-size financial institutions with such expertise